- Try Retinoids
Retinoid, which is a derivative of vitamin A, accelerates cell renewal. This powerful skincare ingredient boosts collagen, improves skin tone and texture, and reduces wrinkles. Retinoids can dry out your skin or cause acne when you start using them. Start slowly, using a low-strength retinoid every other day. Gradually work your up into using the product every day or trying a higher strength.
- Protect Your Hands
Hands typically do not receive the same care as the rest of the body. Signs of aging in your hands can include brittle nails, changes in skin texture, dark spots, and wrinkles. There are plenty of ways to protect your hands against aging, such as: Chemical peels, Cryotherapy, Laser therapy, Skin creams and lotions
- Do Not Smoke
Smoking increases your heart disease and lung cancer risk, in addition to skin problems. The movement of your face when smoking may cause wrinkles. Smoking also has a vasoconstricting effect, meaning it tightens your blood vessels.
Smoking, as a result, can age your skin faster than usual. This habit takes a significant toll on your appearance, contributing to: Increased risk of psoriasis, which causes itchy, thick patches of red skin and silvery scales: Premature aging, Stained teeth, Wrinkles
Stay tuned on my blog tomorrow for more tips